By way of a follow-up to the 13th April North Central London (NCL) General Practice Provider Alliance (GPPA) engagement event please find below a link to a recording of the session and the final version of the slides used on the day.
Session recording: _REMINDER Barnet GP Forum Engagement Meeting re GPPA-20220413_123155-Meeting Recording.mp4
Session slides:
In line with the timetable further details on the GPPA Board posts and selection process will be issued shortly.
The intention is to have the Board in place by July 2022 when the CCG is dissolved and the new Integrated Care Board is established for NCL. Until that time a GPPA Reference Group will continue to meet. Each Borough has 3 representatives.
As the posts on the GPPA reference group are not remunerated they have been filled in each Borough as an add-on to existing posts of the Federation Chair and Chief Executive and a CD representative.
These reference group posts will be replaced by remunerated GPPA Board roles following the interview and election processes outlined in the slides.
Please forward any comments or questions you may have to