Barnet Federated GPs News – June 2022

Chair Update

Dear Members, Colleagues & Patients,

It has been another busy few weeks since our last newsletter as we approach the end of the first quarter of the financial year. We continue to work closely with our system partners within the borough and across North Central London to help configure and deliver services for our patients and ensure Barnet’s voice is represented.

I am also pleased to announce that Mr Michael Whitworth has been appointed to the new post of Joint Federation CEO and Barnet PCN Director. This is a new role that will help  to develop and strengthen the relationship between the Federation and our PCNs. Michael served as Interim CEO of the Federation for the last 2 years before this appointment and comes with a wealth of experience in senior NHS and commercial executive leadership roles.

This month we also welcomed Dr Aash Bansal (PCN1W) and Dr Anjali Gibbs (PCN2) on to the Federation Board ensuring that we now have representation from every PCN in Barnet.

You may be aware that changes to EAS and EHS come in to effect in October this year with responsibility for delivery shifting to PCNs and funded through the PCN DES. We have been organising local workshops with CDs to plan and support this transition, bringing to the workshops our experience of having successfully provided these services for many years.

Challenges will be coming thick and fast over the coming year for all of us in Primary Care. The recently published Fuller Stocktake signals fundamental changes to how we may be expected to work in the future. It is vitally important, as a membership, to work together along with our CDs and Federation to ensure that our practices and PCNs can adapt and thrive in this new environment for benefit of our patients and workforce.

Finally, we are keen to see more clinicians join us to work in our hubs. If you would like to find out more or have any questions please email the team at

Thank you for your continued support as always. 

Enjoy the lovely weather!

Best wishes,

Dr Ahmer Farooqi


General Practice Providers Alliance (GPPA) Board Announcement

The GPPA has announced appointments to its first Board, representing all five boroughs in North Central London. For Barnet, the board members are: Nick Dattani, GP Principal Millway Medical Practice and Clinical Lead NCL CCG; Ahmer Farooqi, GP Principal Old Court House Surgery and Chair, Barnet Federated GPs CIC; and Michael Whitworth, Chief Executive, Barnet Federated GPs CIC and Director, Barnet PCNs.

The GPPA has been set-up in response to national changes, which from July will see Integrated Care Systems (ICS) formally supported by legislation. One way that general practice and the wider primary care community will have a voice in the North Central London ICS will be via the GPPA.

The ambition is for the GPPA to help general practice to have a unified voice and to provide the best possible services for communities. It will also support general practice through transitional periods and changes, such the changes expected this year. Over the coming weeks, the Board will set out the objectives, roles and functions of the GPPA for its first year.

Read more about the appointments on the GP Website: 

BFG Recruiting for BFG EAS service

BFGs will be onboarding new sessional GPs into the EAS service. If you would like to find out more about the onboarding process as well as sessions and how to book them or would like to join the Federation, please email:


A one-year contract has been agreed by commissioners and that beyond this, a procurement process will be necessary. The service is operating well, with an effective mix of clinical pharmacists providing good quality service delivery


We are pleased to announce that there is a continuation of the phlebotomy service until 7 November 2022, with an option for a further extension until 31 March 2023. Please see below for further details.

In-hours Practice Support

We are now receiving support requests as far ahead as October. We are currently providing more than 100 hours of additional support each month to practices. The current demand, on occasion, has exceeded capacity and we are working to understand how the service will interface with bank staff projects happening at NCL level.

SMI Checks

A new service specification is currently under review. This takes into account current ways of working, enhanced by working more closely with the voluntary sector and mental health service providers. It is anticipated that the target will increase over the coming year once discussions with commissioners are concluded.

Date for your diary

Wednesday 6th July 2022 at 13.00 – Old Age Psychiatry

Click here to join the meeting  

For further practice support, training information and research updates please see below

Support For Our Practices

Welcome to our vacancy board – Do you have a vacancy or looking for a role in Barnet? 

Advertising job opportunities via the Federation website! Practices and professionals seeking job opportunities in Barnet can advertise through our website on our Pan Barnet Noticeboard:

Salaried GP 

Ongoing recruitment for Salaried GPs to work primarily in EAS and other Federation services. If you are interested and would like to be considered, please refer to the Job Description for more details, or email


There is a continuation of the phlebotomy service until 7 November 2022, with an option for a further extension until 31 March 2023.

A paediatric provision has been introduced and incorporated into the existing target.

A broader piece of work is underway to evaluate the workstream, which the CCG is engaging through the local boroughs.

We propose that we will review the quality of data and submissions in June and if all data is submitted on time and in full, we will move to a monthly process in July.


The current EHS contract has been extended to 30 September 2022. This continues to be in line with the DES changes that are effective from 1 October 2022.
The service uses all ARRS roles with PCNs and practices taking advantage of this to broaden their offer. Utilisation varies across staff roles with the aim to identify further opportunities to improve effectiveness of the services being delivered.

A survey was sent to CD’s regarding the new DES specification, with feedback from five PCNs suggesting that the new offer does not include the EHS component. As a result, the Federation is working towards keeping this separate from EAS.

• We continue to assess utilisation and activity, which is variable across different staff roles. The aim is to further identify opportunities to improve utilisation which in turn improves the effectiveness of the service(s) being delivered.
• Approximately one third of practices have taken up this offer.
• A survey was sent to CD’s regarding the new DES specification. Out of the seven networks, five suggested that the new offer does not include the EHS component. Based on this suggestion, the Federation is looking to keep this separate from the Extended Access component

Please email the Federation Services team for further information:

Extended Access Service (EAS) Service Offer & Appointments Provision
EAS Offer Update

There are ongoing discussions with the CCG regarding the contractual changes to the Extended Access Service. A survey was sent to CD’s, the responses of which contributed to the EAS task and finish group which in turn identified three models of service delivery:

1. PCNs provide the full service
2. BFG provides the full service
3. A hybrid service comprising:
a. PCNs provide either all or a fixed percentage of the workforce and hubs
b. BFG provide the wrap-around services

The high-level cost per patient will work best with a ready reckoner allowing PCN’s to work through their own details.

The Federation are currently working through ways to introduce cost efficiencies, economies of scale, and planning assumptions for face to face vs. virtual ratios. A cost-effective and appropriate mix of clinical and non-clinical staff will be vital for this.

If you have any questions, please email:

EAS Appointments release days & how to Access them

Appointments are released at the following times:
• Monday-Friday – 10.00 & 15.00 (on the day of the appointment)
• Saturday – 8:00am (on Thursday)
• Sunday – 8:00am (on Friday)
Alternatively, patients can book directly through the appointment booking line – 02039486809 – which is available Monday-Friday 18.30-20.00 and Saturday-Sunday 08.00-20.00.
When booking into this service, please provide updated contact numbers for the patient. This will ensure that the GP can successfully contact the patient to conduct the telephone or video consultation.

Please see attached the EAS appointments booking updated process for step-by-step guidance or for more information on bookings appointments, please email:

Training Information and Opportunities

For all Barnet Training Hub events and training opportunities, please visit:
NCL Training: DOAC Masterclass (non-valvular atrial fibrillation) 


Wednesday 19th July 1-2pm

Monday 25th July 1-2pm

Tuesday 26th July 7-8pm

Audience: All GPs, pharmacists and nurses involved in the prescribing or monitoring of DOACs in primary care

This masterclass has been arranged to support NCL practices achieve the IIF indicators that are related to the safe prescribing and monitoring of DOACs.

Please click here for further information about what the session will cover and who the speakers will be.

To book: DOAC Masterclass: 19th July / DOAC Masterclass: 25th July  / DOAC Masterclass: 26th July

New NCL Role: Placement Co-ordinator Islington GP Federation (Full time)

Closing date: 3rd July 2022

The post is funded by North Central London (NCL) ICS Training Hub with the aim of expanding clinical placements across primary care environments. The post holder will develop excellent working relationships with key stakeholders including borough Training Hubs, GP practices, universities, training institutes and care homes to grow the number of clinical placements for trainee doctors, nurses, pharmacists & allied health professionals. They will work with clinical educators to ensure high standards of clinical supervision in work environments and actively work to promote the activity

The post will be employed via Islington GP Federation and a core member of the NCL Training Hub team.

Please see the Job Description for further details. Alternatively, please see the job advertisement: Job Advert (

Primary Care  Quality Improvement Facilitation Development Programme

Dates:  October / November 2022

Closing date for application: 12 August 2022

This NHSE  programme focuses on supporting practices and PCNs to manage delivering care in a different way, to ensure people get what they need through continued, iterative improvement of these new delivery models. This exciting opportunity is for those working in and around Primary Care in England, who want to build on their existing knowledge and experience of quality improvement.

If you would like to know more about this opportunity, we will be holding a Find Out More webinar on Wednesday 29th June 2022 from 09:30 – 10:30. If you would like to join this, please contact us by completing this form to reserve your place. Please click here for further information. 


NCL Training Hub role:   Physician Associate Ambassador (Part Time – 2.5 days per week)

Closing date 10 July

Audience:  Physicians Associates

The post holder will act as a physicians associate (PA) ambassador, to support workforce development of the Physician Associate profession across 5 boroughs in North Central London, Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington.

The post holder will support and deliver a portfolio of projects relating to recruitment, workforce planning, and professional support of Pas working with key stakeholders, including employers, health education institutes (HEI’s), NHS England and Health Education England.

For more information and to apply, please see NHS jobs: Job Advert (


NCL Training: Cervical Sample Taker Initial Training for NCL staff

Audience: Nurses, Midwives, Nursing Associates, Physicians Associates, Doctors

Dates: Wednesday 13th July (3-hours online) – 9:30am – 11.30am AND Thursday 21st July (Full day at

Northwick Park Hospital) 9.30 am – 16.30 pm


Thursday 4th August (3-hours online) – 9:30 – 11.30 am AND Thursday 11th August (Full day at

Northwick Park Hospital) 9.30am – 6.30 pm

This training is delivered in accordance with the NHS Cervical Screening Programme training guidelines and is accredited by the Royal College of Nursing.

The theoretical training comprises of 3 hours Teams meeting, & classroom teaching will take one full day and will be held at the London Regional Cytology Training Centre based at Northwick Park Hospital. Following on from this clinical practice & portfolio work, under the supervision of a mentor, will need to be completed with a final external assessment

To book: Send expressions of interest to Muna Omar:

Please provide your role, organisation and mentor/supervisor details.